Writing a blog about school is much easier said than done.
Especially when the blog is about the last year of school, which is the most stressful for an IB-student. Therefore, I apologise greatly to anybody who actually reads this that I haven't been better at uploading entries on here. I really have tried to work on it but school, work, homework, etc got in the way and I am obviously not a good enough planner to force an entry every week.
I have tried though! Honestly! I have soooo many draft blog entries but I just never get them finished or I end up hating what I'm writing about.
ANYWAY, enough of the apologising..
This month has been hectic. It's like somebody has slapped our grade in the face and we're suddenly realising how much needs to be done and how little we have done. Teachers are reminding us too, I don't think they think we're a very good grade when it comes to handing in schoolwork but I've definitely seen a change since the christmas break.
*At least for me*
Since the christmas I have made it my mission to complete all my Internal Assessments and so far I have my:
history ✓
swedish (3/4)
biology (1/2)
maths (2/3)
So the past few weekends have basically been lost to the hell that is IA's because I really want them to be good! Especially in those subjects that are left over because they happen to be the subjects I find the hardest..
I've also started to revise for the end of year exams, which is terrifying. One of my friends told me the other day that there is only 100 days left till the exams and I know that if I don't start revising I'm not going to get the grades I want...
Notice that I said "want" and not "need". This is because I don't need IB to get into university! FABULOUS isn't it? I have taken this swedish test called högskoleprovet and got a grade that basically means I can get into almost any course I want. This takes a lot of my previous stress from the IB. did I say that it was FABULOUS?
However, I still WANT good grades or at least ones I know I can get if I put my mind to it and therefore I have started revising. At least half an hour for each subject each week, on top of any homework.
P.S I plan to increase the workload soon!