Monday, 30 December 2013

Winter Break

It's christmas, which is lovely because it means that I can sleep to 11 and have somewhat of a social life! However, it's also pretty scary because I know IB is nearing its end and I really have to start doing more revising so that I'm fully prepared for the exams in a few months.

I got my report card back two weeks ago and I was pleasantly suprised. Although the teachers warned us tht our grades would most likely be worse this term, I was at the same amount of points total. I lost a point in history and english but gained to in biology so I was definitely proud of myself. Especially considering I know I can do better in english and history but I really did work hard to improve my biology grade.

To keep up my decent grades I plan on getting back on track with my work load as there's only a bit more than a week left of the break now. In this time I plan to finish as many of my internal assessments as possible so that I don't have them riding over my shoulders when I should be studying for the actual exams.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Just Over Two Weeks Left

Finally, exam week is over!

It's nice to know that I have normal lessons again, less stressful than exams but I'm still so so tired. It kind of sucks that we get the grades back already this week though because I know I haven't done well in a couple of exams and therefore I'd rather put off seeing how badly I have done. However, I shouldn't be complaining because I at least I don't have exams anymore (for the moment).

This week is not without its deadlines and stresses, though. Tomorrow, I have my english oral after school and I really don't feel like I'm prepared enough. It's 15% of my grade and I really want to do well so that I have a good amount of my final grade done and I know it's bringing up the rest of my grade, not down. Therefore, I'll be working on that in a frenzy this evening.
I also have my geography fieldwork final draft due tomorrow. I've already finished it but I don't like my it. I want to make changes but I don't have time this evening as english feels the most important - most difficult.

All I can say is that I'm most definitely looking forward to our christmas break in about 2 and a half weeks time. Then I can sleep, work on everything I have to work on and relax in the sun when I go to Cape Verde