Thursday 20 March 2014

March Exams

So, we just had our last mock exams before the end of the actual exams and goodness me, that was stressful. We had the Sports break the week before, which meant I could revise but I still felt like I didn't have enough time.
The problem with me and exams is that I stress too much and it ends up with me putting off work until I do a million things in a frenzy. I don't like this. I''m trying to change it. But it's hard. I even made a schedule so I could clearly see what I should be doing at different times, with lots of breaks so I don't lose focus, etc. My plan was to wake up at 08:30 every morning and work as if I was still in school. That didn't happen. Every day, I would put on my alarm and then snooze for up to another two hours. Then I'd get up and eat breakfast for another hour (when I have time, I will take it) and then suddenly it would be nearing 12.
Also, on the days my aunt was around, she wanted to look online for apartments. This would also take another hour or two and we even went on some showings, which could take up to three ours. That meant I was free to study at 3pm. Once I started studying, I found it difficult to continue after 6pm due to my need for food and lack of being an evening person.
Therefore, I only really ended up doing 3-4 hours work each day. However, I still managed to do pretty well in my exams, I can see afterwards, so I know that if I put in a little more time and continue to do so, I have a chance of doing decently well.

The crazy part is, we only have like 6 or so weeks left until exams. NOT ENOUGH!

Sunday 2 February 2014

January/ February

Writing a blog about school is much easier said than done.
Especially when the blog is about the last year of school, which is the most stressful for an IB-student. Therefore, I apologise greatly to anybody who actually reads this that I haven't been better at uploading entries on here. I really have tried to work on it but school, work, homework, etc got in the way and I am obviously not a good enough planner to force an entry every week.
I have tried though! Honestly! I have soooo many draft blog entries but I just never get them finished or I end up hating what I'm writing about.

ANYWAY, enough of the apologising..

This month has been hectic. It's like somebody has slapped our grade in the face and we're suddenly realising how much needs to be done and how little we have done. Teachers are reminding us too, I don't think they think we're a very good grade when it comes to handing in schoolwork but I've definitely seen a change since the christmas break.
*At least for me*

Since the christmas I have made it my mission to complete all my Internal Assessments and so far I have my:
swedish (3/4)
biology (1/2)
maths (2/3)

So the past few weekends have basically been lost to the hell that is IA's because I really want them to be good! Especially in those subjects that are left over because they happen to be the subjects I find the hardest..

I've also started to revise for the end of year exams, which is terrifying. One of my friends told me the other day that there is only 100 days left till the exams and I know that if I don't start revising I'm not going to get the grades I want...
Notice that I said "want" and not "need". This is because I don't need IB to get into university! FABULOUS isn't it? I have taken this swedish test called högskoleprovet and got a grade that basically means I can get into almost any course I want. This takes a lot of my previous stress from the IB. did I say that it was FABULOUS?

However, I still WANT good grades or at least ones I know I can get if I put my mind to it and therefore I have started revising. At least half an hour for each subject each week, on top of any homework.

P.S I plan to increase the workload soon!

Monday 30 December 2013

Winter Break

It's christmas, which is lovely because it means that I can sleep to 11 and have somewhat of a social life! However, it's also pretty scary because I know IB is nearing its end and I really have to start doing more revising so that I'm fully prepared for the exams in a few months.

I got my report card back two weeks ago and I was pleasantly suprised. Although the teachers warned us tht our grades would most likely be worse this term, I was at the same amount of points total. I lost a point in history and english but gained to in biology so I was definitely proud of myself. Especially considering I know I can do better in english and history but I really did work hard to improve my biology grade.

To keep up my decent grades I plan on getting back on track with my work load as there's only a bit more than a week left of the break now. In this time I plan to finish as many of my internal assessments as possible so that I don't have them riding over my shoulders when I should be studying for the actual exams.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Just Over Two Weeks Left

Finally, exam week is over!

It's nice to know that I have normal lessons again, less stressful than exams but I'm still so so tired. It kind of sucks that we get the grades back already this week though because I know I haven't done well in a couple of exams and therefore I'd rather put off seeing how badly I have done. However, I shouldn't be complaining because I at least I don't have exams anymore (for the moment).

This week is not without its deadlines and stresses, though. Tomorrow, I have my english oral after school and I really don't feel like I'm prepared enough. It's 15% of my grade and I really want to do well so that I have a good amount of my final grade done and I know it's bringing up the rest of my grade, not down. Therefore, I'll be working on that in a frenzy this evening.
I also have my geography fieldwork final draft due tomorrow. I've already finished it but I don't like my it. I want to make changes but I don't have time this evening as english feels the most important - most difficult.

All I can say is that I'm most definitely looking forward to our christmas break in about 2 and a half weeks time. Then I can sleep, work on everything I have to work on and relax in the sun when I go to Cape Verde

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Exam week and Birthday

It was my birthday last Wednesday, I turned 18, an age renowned for its immense celebration but did I celebrate? Not really, no. In fact, the weekend that has just passed I did not celebrate like a normal 18 year old would. Why not you may ask. Well, because I'm an IB student and we spend all our free time like we do at school - studying. Except for a measly birthday dinner with my family that lasted around two hours because I needed to get an early night, I did not celebrate at all. Both Saturday and Sunday were spent revising for the exams I have this week.
Bad timing? Yes, I agree.
Here's a little picture of how only the next two days look:

And that's missed out the history exam I had today and the biology exam I'mm having tomorrow. Oh well, I guess I don't need a social life or even to have time to go to the gym. Something I'd usually dread, I long for. I just hope I do ok on these exams so that all my lost time was worth it.

Right now I'm writing my TOK essay first draft and then I will move onto some History revision and then I will finish my evening with Biology, I can't wait. It's only a few months left now until the exams though. In a way it's nice; it means IB is over and I am free of it forever. All that awaits me now is university and then a life of working to try and make ends meet with some kids on the way and a husband and whatnot. In a way it's pretty bleak to think that way and I know if I study hard I'll have more opportunities to do what I want in the future, not just anything to make ends meet.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Uni chioces / grades I'm getting now.. grades I want

I'm about three months into IB second year now and things are really in full flow. I'm really starting too realise how last year was a piece of cake in comparison to this year. Now we're getting Internal Assessments done in all subjects, orals done for English and Swedish and everything is really starting to feel much more real. These things actually count to my final grade and that's scary because last year was just practise, I knew if I messed up it wouldn't count at the end of the day. If I mess up now, then it's my final grade I'm messing up and that's scary...

I had a hard time deciding between the UK or Sweden for university but after much consideration, I decided I would take a gap year and then go to uni in Sweden. This is mainly because all my closest family is here now and it's free to study! The only problem with me studying in Sweden is that it makes me feel like studying the IB in english was kind of a waste of time. I mean, it's my first language and it means that high school life has been easier for me.. but it means I haven't been able to practise my swedish as much, which is necessary because it's my second language and I need to be tip top for a swedish uni.
There are pros to the IB though, I know I'll be 10 times better than everyone else at structuring and writing essays and I'll be able to source unlike anyone else. Swedish schools don't focus as much on essay writing as IB and that's sad for them because universities definitely do!

At the moment I'm doing ok in my subjects, like everyone, I wish I was doing better but I'm really trying to study more to change that! The only subjects I was really unhappy with my end of year grade was biology and Swedish. For biology all it takes is a little bit more revision and really trying to understand the stuff (easier said than done, that stuff doesn't make sense to me!) but for swedish it's more complex. As I said, it's my second language and I only really started learning it when I moved here just over two years ago. The problem is, that the level I'm studying at is at a first language level and it means that I don't get very good grades. It's frustrating because it's hard to learn all the grammar, etc and even though I'm taking a swedish course on the side of IB, I don't seem to be improving.

Oh well, if I improve in these two subject areas, I aim to get a 34/35 at the end of the year plus however many points I get for the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge.

Monday 30 September 2013


The past two weeks have been so hectic. I'm starting to understand what the last years grade 12's meant when they said that this year is a lot of work.
I have essay's due in pretty much every lesson and if not an essay, it's an IA. I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to be able to have any sort of social life, considering the weekend that just past I spent only doing schoolwork and everyday after school I've had at least 4-5 hours of work to do. It sucks but I know it's worth it.
I want to study Law or politics after my gap year so I know it's important I get a good work ethic now so I won't make life more difficult for myself when I get to uni.

However, we did have a four day break last week, which was really refreshing. Even if I still have a lot of work due (Geo, Bio, History, English) and I had to spend my breaking doing it, I was at least able to get fully rested. I went to sleep at 11/12 every night and woke up at 10. I'm feeling a lot less stressed after the weekend too because I know I'm rested and able to do all my work.

IB is hard but I'm more than half way through conquering it!